We all start somewhere. My beginnings with rug hooking were with Star Wars. I suppose the amazing imagery and traditional storytelling of the oppressed rising up against the evil overlords has always been compelling for me. The main theme of hope being the all powerful force that can create change really resonates too. But I have always loved the ships.
The roar of the Tie fighter has stuck with me. Along with the X-wings moving into attack formation, this may be my first memory. Waking in the back seat of the car at the drive-in when Episode 4 was first out, my eyes widened and I was mesmerized.
After depicting the Tie Fighter, I went inside. I spent considerable time looking at and trying to imagine the purpose of the basically complex control panels of these machines. They administered life support in the depths of space, engaged in combat, and computed travel unbelievable distances, all in under 10 parsecs!
Because it was fiction, it didn't matter that they made noise in space, or followed the laws of gravity. After all, it took place a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, so it didn't have be like Earth. But these instances of artistic license may have been the cause for my curiosity about space, physics, and robots.
Consequently, I have painted many Star Wars character portraits and depictions of ships. All of these painting sold well, so when I changed mediums to hooking, this seemed like a natural progression.
In addition to showing the often overlooked interior controls of the ships, I latched on to certain moments of tension. Edging around the planet to get into shooting range to destroy another planet is a plot built around absolute power. Fighting that same weapon by piloting a ship into a tunnel and trying to fire a bomb into a tiny hole against all odds is the quintessential heroic story. These are fun meditations to work through during the hours spent pulling each woollen loop.
I hope you enjoy this retrospective of Star Wars rugs, and may the force be with you.